by gaffargps | Sep 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
10 DOMINANT FEATURES OF A GPS SYSTEM We all work hard for the vehicles we own and can relate that money does not come easy. So what is next on the agenda? Ensuring that your most prized possession is safe, secure and you do not fall victim to vehicle theft! Let us not...
by gaffargps | Aug 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
Vehicle Maintenance can be daunting and it’s difficult to remember to schedule things like oil changes and brake jobs with so many other things going on in your life. Luckily, this is where a GPS Tracking system can come into play! Not only will it provide you...
by gaffargps | Jul 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
WOMEN’S SAFETY WITH THE USE OF VEHICLE GPS GPS Vehicle Trackers are emerging as a key feature in women’s safety. Women in Trinidad and Tobago have a tough time when it comes to their safety. With rampant cases of violation of women’s safety hurtling...
by gaffargps | Jun 26, 2021 | Uncategorized
With revolutionized telematics technology, anything is possible in the GPS world – you can easily detemine the location of a person, vehicle or object, as long as they are properly equipped with a GPS device. Geofencing however, takes this technology to the next...
by gaffargps | May 29, 2021 | Uncategorized
We were devastatingly struck with COVID-19, where the demand for delivery services has increased as home delivery have become very popular and prominent- from food items to clothing and electronic goods, people have no choice but to resort to home delivery services to...
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